Category: technology

Take The 60 Day No-Email Challenge with Me

Hey folks. Today I’m embarking on a challenge where I will no use email for nearly 60 days (somewhere around 53). This means I won’t be answering emails here too (sorry), but I’m really curious to see how connected my life really is. For the next 60 days I’m cutting myself off from email, and a few other web services (I’ll still be blogging...

Best Places To Find Camera Reviews

For a multitude of reasons I’ve researched literally dozens of cameras recently, and along the way I uncovered a few very helpful and reliable resources for video camera reviews. One of course was Cnet, the major tech review company and their expert Lory, but another was a less common one you may enjoy more. On the host, a photographer living in Hong Kong reviews...

Can Smartphones Be the Future of Film?

What is the future of film? Mobile devices have become quite viable options for hobbyists and families due to their built in editing, sharing, and high definition video capabilities, But will there ever be a day when they will be acceptable in a studio setting? I think so. The major issue with producing video on mobile devices right now is that they are not...

Is Emotional Economics the key to innovation? [video]

Recently I was surfing TED(Technology Entertainment Design) when I ran into a fantastic talk by master Ad executive Rory Sutherland. Rory Sutherland presents a fantastic argument on how simply changing perspective can change value and how creative thinkers can often come up with better solutions than technical geniuses. For example, in one of his videos he mentions that London spent 6 Billion pounds on...