Category: technology

Apple Patents Air!

Stoppp the madnessssss!!!!! This title isn’t accurate (yet) but in five or ten years, this may be reality. Things that can be powerful in people’s lives when in the public domain, are confined to smaller uses when they are patented, and it is ruining our lives. People with Cancer, and other serious illnesses continue to die, when the potential to treat them is so...

An Earth-shattering Reality

What is the future of glass? Over the past ten years we have learned that glass is not just for windows. New see-through OLED glass screens will soon be in use for advertising on supermarket freezers. Windows on the new Boeing 787 are dimmable. Literally hundreds of millions of glass-screened smartphones, and tablet devices get use daily by millions of people around the world....

Travel Without Technology Really Sucks

Hey fellow nerds. I recently flew on Continental Airlines, and for the first time in years I was carrying neither my iphone, nor my Macbook Pro. The only technology I had was my ipod nano, and it was buried in my bag. To make things worse, I didn’t have my wallet to pay for TV because I left my wallet on the last plane...

4 Best Places To Sell Your Dino Electronics

If you’re reading this you’re either a regular reader of my blog, or someone who wants to sell their old [insert curse word here]. What do you want to sell? A Blackberry playbook from Black Friday? An iphone 3GS from two years ago? A netbook from three years ago? You can even sell computers that are 30 years old. People want this stuff, for...