Category: opinion

Google Glass? Bah. Old Technology- Here’s the Real Innovator

Google Glass seems way ahead of its’ time… and then you look at the market and find that several other similar (though not as high-tech) technologies do in fact exist. Case and point: The Oakley Airwave. These cool (in multiple senses) high-flying ski Goggles feature a heads-up display using the same display principle as google glass to display things such as your location, airtime,...

HP Support (Or Lack There Of)- A Look Back At My HORRIBLE Experience With HP Customer Service

Meg Whitman is one of my favorite tech executives, and HP seems to be making a recovery, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to look at an HP product again without thinking of my horrible experience with HP Customer Support a few months ago. I wrote thoroughly about it then, but I wanted to cover it again today in hopes that you...

Am I the Only One that Hates Speakers That Look Like Pencil Sharpeners?

Maybe I’m just a design snob, but I like my speakers classy, and looking like dog excrement an electric pencil sharpener is not a plus from a design standpoint. Here are four of the best and the worst designed speakers I’ve ever seen. Some of them show you that speakers can in fact be beautiful, and some burn your eyes. [slideshow gallery_id=”2″]

BI Reports iPhone 5S to Arrive in Spring

It’s being reported by various reasonably reliable sources that there will be both a new iPhone and iPad in the Spring. That would mean only about an eight month production of the current models if Apple released it at their Worldwide Developer Conference in June. Unfortunately it seems to just be pageview journalism. They report that limited production is already starting in test runs...

the evil facebook like button

Dear Person Who “Likes” Everything…

Dear Person who “likes” everything on Facebook, To be honest, I can’t quite remember why or how I became “friends” with you, but I beg of you to please stop everything. Your likes flood my news feed. My phone buzzes like a constant massage as everything I post is followed instantly by a notification of your approval. I appreciate that you like what I...