Category: design


Hosting WordPress Sites with Flywheel – The Honest Review

What’s the mark of a great WordPress host? After 10+ hosts I’ve learned that it all comes down to this: How often you have to think about them? When you have to ask “Why is my website so slow?” or “Why is my website down?” or “Should I update to the latest version of WordPress?”, that’s time away from things that actually matter to...

jony ive interview on design

Jony Ive Talks Designing For Apple, His Process [Video]

How do you design for a category that hasn’t been invented yet? That has been Apple design chief Jony Ive’s mission for the past two decades, and he has found unimaginable success. In a rare interview, Ive sat down with Vanity Fair to talk about his process, his life, and his work. Interviews are rare for Ive, who prefers to design in peace, emerging...

a homemade toaster on the shelf next to consumer toasters

How To Build A Toaster In Under Six Months

This is the incredible tale of how one man built a toaster, from all-natural materials, in just six months If humanity stopped, and you were one of the last people on earth, could you rebuild society? Despite all of the technology that we’ve developed throughout history, no individuals possess enough knowledge to rebuild things like radios, and computers, and even toasters from nature, if...

a better way to give vaccines - the vacc stamp

Somebody Finally Created A Better Vaccine

Needles hurt…but more than that, they’re just a bit scary. The idea of a doctor shoving a centimeter-long syringe into your arm, filled with who-knows-what, is just not comforting. Luckily, one company has redesigned the syringe, to make the process nearly painless, and intuitive. The new syringe is called the “vacc-stamp”. It’s a round, flat piece of plastic that reminds me a bit of...

robocular 3d scanner guide

Beginner’s Guide To 3D Scanning: What it is, and What it Can Do

This is the first article in our new series, Experts Explain. Read all about the series here, or check out other articles in the series here. In this article, 3D scanning expert Antoine El Daher will teach you what 3D scanning is, how it works, and how you can use it. So, what is 3D scanning exactly? 3D scanning turns physical objects into their...