Category: 2012

the evil facebook like button

Dear Person Who “Likes” Everything…

Dear Person who “likes” everything on Facebook, To be honest, I can’t quite remember why or how I became “friends” with you, but I beg of you to please stop everything. Your likes flood my news feed. My phone buzzes like a constant massage as everything I post is followed instantly by a notification of your approval. I appreciate that you like what I...

Surface Vs iPad (Video)

This “surface”d the other day. It’s a humorous parody of the difference between the advertising for Microsoft’s Surface and Apple’s iPad. It basically combines the two ads into one mega ad where they interact. It’s a funny video, but it does bring a real point. Apple’s ad strategy has won awards and acclaim for being some of the best in history. What many wonder...

Samsung Galaxy Note Review: a phone on HGH

Phablet (phone/Tablet), fat phone, Phonezilla, BFP(Big Friendly Phone), Samsung Galaxy Hulk, the Lennie Small of smartphones.  I’ve had a lot of fun jokingly coming up with names for the Samsung Galaxy Note, but this serious smartphone competitor is nothing to laugh about. For the past few months I’ve used the Samsung Galaxy Note provided by Samsung, and it thrilled me with its’ impressive speed,...

The App Store Chronicle Turns 1- 12 Of our Best From 12 Months

We’ve made it. One year. We’ve published for 365 days continuously and we’ve gained a lot of friends on the way. We’re celebrating this in a big way all month. Today we’re showcasing some of our favorite articles from the one year we’ve existed. Check back all month and sign up for our email newsletter below to avoid missing the fun. We’ve got a...

iPad Mini Case Study: Price Above All

The new iPad Mini’s high price has left questions of whether people will buy its’ cheaper competitors instead, and while I can’t answer those questions in the broadest sense yet of whether it will sell, I can relay one story of a consumer I spoke to. Yesterday I met a woman, in her early twenties, who was very techincally savvy. While you couldn’t classify...