Tagged: iphone

iPhone 5S Camera features

iPhone 5S Camera is Insane – All about The iPhone 5S Camera

The iPhone 5S has just been unveiled (shipping September 20th), and perhaps the most amazing feature (other than the fingerprint scanner) is the camera. Apple put a lot of thought into it, and dramatically increased the quality of photo and video in every way. I’d qualify this as a point-and-shoot camera killer (past phones have severely dented it, but they’ve never crushed the market...

Apple iPhone Event 2013 – Live Notes and Details

These are lives Notes on Apple’s 2013 iPhone event. They will be updated and filled in as information becomes available. Talking Points: iTunes Festival – Music festival online Apple Store Update: 700 millionth iOS device next month iOS 7 and Siri: Presented by: Craig Federighi Parralax Effect (3D springboard) Can figure out commute time based on traffic Pulldown universal search Tabs in Safarai Siri...

iPhone 5C/5S Invite (This Should Brighten Everyone's Day)

New iPhone Confirmed: Deciphering Apple’s Riddle

 Apple has sent out invitations to this year’s iPhone launch event, September 10th as expected, but in true Apple form, they left us with a riddle to decipher, and a debate over what it means. All that is clear and proven is that we will se an event September 10th from Apple’s Cupertino headquarters (at 1 PM), and we will see the release of...

shattered broken iPhone Screen Glass

Apple Offers Buybacks In Fight To Keep Customers

In the midst of declining market share, and a slowing of growth, Apple is doing all it can to retain customers. With customers seeing the iPhone 5 as old and worn, in comparison to newer Android phones, Apple is trying just to keep those customers happy long enough to wait for the iPhone 5S/6 which will be coming out on September 10th according to...

Why The iPhone 5C is NOT Real

The rumor mill has been spewing its usual lies, ahead of Apple’s “busy” (as executives at the company put it) fall quarter. Speculation has been rampant that we’ll be seeing a device called the iPhone 5C – essentially a lower cost iPhone. Well, the speculation is wrong… at least in part. First of all, understand this. I’m not ruling out a cheaper iPhone at...