Tagged: humor

china mac osx sea lion

Spotted in China: OSX Sea Lion

It started as a joke. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, long pressed as to what Apple would name its operating system when it ran out of cats (i.e Lion, Leopard), joked at a 2013 keynote that Apple’s latest Mac operating system would be named Sea Lion. In reality, the new operating system is called Mavericks (after the famous California surf spot). The joke was lost...

7 Funniest iOS 7 Jokes

I for one am happy to see the refreshing iOS 7 (although some of the icons remind me of my short-lived fingerpainting career, and the colors look like something you’d see at toys R’ Us), but plenty of Fandroids had snide comments to make about Apple’s latest releases: Enjoy 7 of the best jokes about iOS 7 (including one mac joke). iOS 7 looks...

What if Facebook Updates were Reality? [Video]

Facebook Updates are a pain, we get it. No need to incessantly write a status update complaining each time it changes, which is seemingly every week. Only weeks after the first 2013 facebook update, an updated profile/timeline, facebook is working on rolling out their recently announced new layout, one based on a more modern design and with a greater focus on search. But one...

[Comic] Technology 2013 in a Nutshell

Nearly a year ago we started “comic Sunday” as an official section. After about two weeks, we forgot…but it’s back on this random day, with this awesome tech-related strip. This comic underlines the many challenges faced by companies like Google, Samsung, Apple, RIM, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo!, and its employees.

Cable Companies Suck [Video]

I didn’t mean to continue my trend of laziness this week, where I’ve posted mostly videos (although we did make this awesome April Fools prank), but this was simply too funny and spot-on not to share. You may laugh, but remember that everything in this video is true.