Tagged: app

How To Use Your iPhone as a Microscope (And Convert it)

Ever wanted to see things in your life up close?  Do you not have room to carry a 9 pound telescope in your bag? Right now we are going to give you a quick and easy way to get closeup shots with your iphone for cheap. More Images We Took Here Step 1. Find a Camera enabled mobile device (preferably an iphone or ipad)....

Review: The Clapper For iPhone: Oh Yes They Did

The other day I was thinking of “The Clapper”- the device that lets you turn things on and off with a clap and I started to wonder if there was a clapper for iphone. After some searching I found out that of course… there was. The app is called ClapLight and goes for $.99 on the app store. I bought it and tried it...

The Basics: 7 Necessary Apps for iphone users

“I NEED it”. Yes you do. Not all apps make it into the essential category, but when it comes to apps for new iPhone users, none are more vital (yes, vital) than these 7 apps. Some of these are popular apps, others not-as-popular, but they are all necessary for you to get the most out of your iPhone. facebook:(Free) Stay connected with your friends....

Review: An App that Can Read Your Mind: The Story of Akinator

So what is Akinator? Akinator ($1.99) is basically a game of “20 questions” on Steroids that uses artificial intelligence to try and guess your character. In Akinator you choose a character or real world figure and Akinator asks vague general questions with stock answers and after 21 questions or less takes a guess   Surprisingly, Akinator is right the majority of the time because Akinator...

10 Best Apps Around? Questionable

I just went “Digging” around and found an interesting article on free iphone apps which you can see here. While I agree that those are ten very solid apps, I wouldn’t put all them in my top ten favorites.  I can see Dropbox being in the top ten because Dropbox allows users to access all of their important data in a very intuitive fashion....