Monthly Archive: November 2012

HP Support (Or Lack There Of)- A Look Back At My HORRIBLE Experience With HP Customer Service

Meg Whitman is one of my favorite tech executives, and HP seems to be making a recovery, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to look at an HP product again without thinking of my horrible experience with HP Customer Support a few months ago. I wrote thoroughly about it then, but I wanted to cover it again today in hopes that you...

Am I the Only One that Hates Speakers That Look Like Pencil Sharpeners?

Maybe I’m just a design snob, but I like my speakers classy, and looking like dog excrement an electric pencil sharpener is not a plus from a design standpoint. Here are four of the best and the worst designed speakers I’ve ever seen. Some of them show you that speakers can in fact be beautiful, and some burn your eyes. [slideshow gallery_id=”2″]

Major Widespread Flaw in Apple Retina Macbook Pro Causes Flicker- No Recall Plans yet

If you’re reading this any time after we’ve published this, you’re probably one of the proud owners of the new Retina Macbook Pro, and you’re probably wondering why the fuck heck your several thousand dollar computer has flickering bars across the screen. It’s not just you. The article we wrote about this in October is one of our most popular recent articles, and forums...

There’s a Psychologist in your Mac- Mac Easter Eggs 2

I wrote yesterday about some easter eggs hidden deep within the mac, and today I’ll write about some more great ones. Access your inner self- The Terminal Psychologist Terminal has a built-in ‘Psychologist bot’ that’s very entertaining to play with. Here’s how to access it. Open up Terminal from your utilities folder. Type in “emacs” Press ESC and X at the same time. You will see...

Call Of Duty For Mac- Major Sale

Call of Duty is having a major sale on the mac app store. 6 Cruzer Flash Drives, 50 Apps, 50 Mcdonalds double cheeseburgers. Those are all things I could have bought for $50 and that’s why I was hesitant about purchasing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for my Mac at the price of $50. Luckily, as new games have come out, they’ve finally...