Monthly Archive: February 2012

Happy Presidents Day! Video

Well, It’s president’s day, and in honor of the 44 great men (might be a slightly lower actual number due to losses and then wins years later) that have served the office, I have gone searching through the technology archives to present you with a short video history of the intersection of the presidency, and technology within the past ten years. Enjoy! Bye! Posts provided by...

4 Best Places To Sell Your Dino Electronics

If you’re reading this you’re either a regular reader of my blog, or someone who wants to sell their old [insert curse word here]. What do you want to sell? A Blackberry playbook from Black Friday? An iphone 3GS from two years ago? A netbook from three years ago? You can even sell computers that are 30 years old. People want this stuff, for...

This Week’s Recommended Website: RTBot

Apparently, according to Google Web History I have done more than ten thousand searches this year. And yet, so few sites I find are actually worth sharing. Today I share with you one that is. The thing is, I never even searched for this one. It found me (in a nerdy sort of way). Their Really Cool Logo!  So this week’s recommended site is...

Apple Anounces New Mountain Lion OS

Yesterday Apple released the news that Mac OSX 10.8 will be called Mountain Lion. It’s official! How cool is this? This fantastic new update brings a more ios-like experience. This new OS will sync with your devices, and it will still work like a Mac, but it will bring over several ios features. Here’s a summary of the new features(mostly from ios): Notification Center:...

Hear Radiation- A revolutionary Discovery

The other day I was listening to something on my computer using my Bose QC 15s when I decided to plug in my iphone. The way that I plugged it in actually tuned my headphones to the radiation of my iphone. I could literally hear the movement of my iphone as I moved it closer and farther, and these are wired (not wireless) headphones that...