Tagged: video

(video) Leap Motion And Hologram = Incredible

We already reviewed the Leap Motion 3D sensor here, but this video is just incredible. By hooking up a 3D space control system to a simulated hologram, these developers have created a globe that’s manipulable in 3D space and viewable from all angles. Pretty incredible right? In the words of the ever-popular Macklemore, this is fucking awesome.

5 Reasons Why You Have To Be on Codecadamy (and a video)

If you ever want to do anything with technology, and you don’t have a coding background already, use Codecadamy.org. Let me explain to you the five reasons why there’s no excuse not to use it. It’s easy. I started with no coding skills whatsoever beyond making paragraphs and headings in HTML.  Within three days of starting Codecadamy, I already had a proficient knowledge in CSS...

What is a Pivot? Startup 101 (Video)

If you’re here, you’re probably wondering what a Pivot is in the startup sense. I’m going to answer that in two ways. First, I’ll give you my simplified answer, and then, I’m embedding a video below my answer of the term’s creator, author Eric Ries, where he gives the only definition you’ll ever need to master the term. Pivot: Changing strategy, without changing vision,...

LEAKED: Google’s Incredible Unreleased Laptop (video)

Could Google soon be competing with Apple, Samsung, and Lenovo on laptops? It seems so. Google’s yet unreleased Chromebook Pixel which was leaked to the web in the incredible commercial below provides indication that Google wants more skin in the game. If you’re here regularly, you’ve heard our famous interviewees predict the fall of the PC to the tablet. Google already has immense success...

1997 Steve Jobs Had Working Cloud Built 22 Years Before iCloud, Describes Chromebooks

Don’t you dare say cloud computing is the future. It’s just now coming into the mainstream, but Steve Jobs has had a cloud computing system since 1989 when he worked at NEXT. WATCH! In the video below, Steve Jobs talks first about his cloud computing system he’d built which automatically backed everything up to the servers around the world that we now know as...