Tagged: innovation

2013: The Year of the Light Bulb?

Legend has it that it took Thomas Edison 1000 tries to perfect his lightbulb. Oddly enough, given the technical innovation we’ve seen in the past few decades, the bulbs we use are largely the same as they were a century ago. Sign up for our newsletter here. 2013 seems to be the year of the lightbulb, with a variety of new lightbulbs hitting the...

Pet Pluto? Disney’s Latest Creation Brings Feeling To the Touchscreen

We’ve seen some pretty amazing things on video, like a device that charges phones with fire, and a rocket than can hover, and land precisely where it took off, but we haven’t seen many cooler innovations than Disney Labs’s latest creation. In a video unveiling this week, engineers at Disney Labs unveiled a method for bringing feel to touchscreens. This isn’t just static touch...

This is What 1 Billion Friends Looks Like On a Map [Photo]

Have you ever wondered what billions of connections, mapped out looks like. Mark Zuckerberg today released a map of the world, represented in friend connections on Facebook. The more friends you have in your area, the darker it is. The map also links each friend, creating an almost-magical view of the world. A few Things To Notice First of all, this map makes clear...

Digipod Turns SLRs and Film Cameras into Digital Cameras

A new wild product has popped up on crowdfunding site, Indigogo. The product, Digipod, turns old cameras, like the classic Minolta sRt 201 SLR into fully digital cameras, using nothing more than a pod inserted into the film slot. Even more incredibly, the pod costs a mere $200. In order to produce this, they need a minimum of 200,000 pounds (around $300,000) in donations....

hyperloop capsule rendering not a train

Hyperloop for Dummies (and non-engineers): How it Works

Is Elon Musk’s hyperloop system really revolutionary? We made a guide that makes it much easier to understand, so you can decide for yourself. What is Hyperloop? Hyperloop is a high speed capsule that is shot through a low-pressure tube using industrial air pumps. It’s incredibly cost-effective, incredibly fast (740 miles per hour), and incredibly efficient (100% solar powered). Why was Hyperloop Designed? Elon...