Tagged: how to

How To Have Full Control over Who Sees Your Facebook Posts

Facebook is a great way to share with your friends, but some things you only want to share with a few friends. There are a few ways to do that, and here’s how. Create A Group For friends you talk with frequently. Basically a Facebook wall that only you and they can see. Set it as a super-secret group for the most privacy. Send...

How NOT To Share Everything You Do on Facebook

Do you read a lot of articles online? Do you watch a lot of videos? Do you LOVE a Facebook game? If you participate in one of these activities along with thousands of others and I’m friends with you on Facebook I know, because the developers of these apps and sites build autosharing into their applications for the free publicity to your friends. But,...

How To Find An Affordable DSLR- Part One

DSLRs are awesome. For those of you who don’t know what they are,  DSLR stands for Digital Single-Lens Reflex. Basically they are just professional, and highly customizable digital cameras. I’ve never owned one, but I’ve used several and wanted one for a long time, so a week ago I embarked on a Mission to find and purchase an affordable and high-Quality camera. Here’s a...

Guide: How To Choose a Laptop Case

There are literally thousands of laptop cases and bags out there so today I thought I would provide a short post on how to narrow down which is for you and a few tips on buying: How big is your laptop? Seems obvious right? If you have a 13 inch case for a 14 inch laptop or a 15 inch case for a 13...

How to Update An iPhone, iPod, or iPad Without a Computer, or Itunes Over Wifi.

 Today I’m going to walk you through how to update your iphone, ipod touch, or ipad using Wifi. A Quick tutorial for those who need help.  Make sure you are running iOS 5 or higher (you probably are) and have a nearly full battery (or put it on a charger) and connect  to a wifi network. Go to settings and General and tap on...