Tagged: Apple

Apple’s Touching Holiday Ad Was Shot Entirely on An iPhone 5S

As they say, “the proof is in the pudding”. Apple showed off the iPhone 5S’s camera in one of the more brilliant smartphone ads of all time, “A Harris Family Holiday”, an ad launched yesterday, set to Judy Garland’s “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. The ad was a family holiday montage shot entirely on an iPhone 5S – a standard iPhone 5S. Complete...

the many colors of mac, ipod, and iPhone, and Steve Jobs's color strategy

How Apple Uses Color

Apple’s history with color is pretty black and white. First they release a product in black, or white. Next, they release a version in the color not previously released. Lastly, they release a variety of colors, and laud their brilliant (emphasis: mine) new colors. It’s really pretty predictable. The good news of course is that Apple is sticking to the pattern – indicating a...

Should Crazy Be In Our Vocabulary?

You may have noticed my unusual absence. I did too. I got caught up in other projects, and couldn’t get back into things. Well, here I am, back to write every day, and I couldn’t have come back at a better time. Tomorrow we see the latest iPads, Macbook Pros, and (maybe) even an iWatch! We also get a peak at Nokia’s newest Windows...

How To Fix An iPhone 5S Freeze Or Crash

Did your shiny new iPhone 5S Freeze or crash? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Due to the completely redesigned iOS 7, there are still some software bugs that may leave your phone frozen for extended periods. Here are the short-term and long-term un-freezing solutions.  In particular, I found that iOS 7’s mail app seemed to have a memory management issue that caused it to...

The Real SIRI: The Woman Behind the voice

If you’ve picked up an iPhone or iPad in the past years, or watched an Apple commercial, you’ve probably heard her voice. She’s SIRI, the automated virtual assistant that Apple created for the iPhone 4S, and that has appeared on every device since. But until today, the woman behind the voice has been secret. She’s the voice of SIRI, and she’s talking… and it...