Category: technology

What My Trip To the Pharmacy Taught Me About Technology

Happy Turkey day everyone. In 1963 the Jetsons first aired and a new generation of dreamers was introduced to a dreamy future of  widespread technology, videochatting, robots, and flying cars. It seemed so crazy then, but minus the flying cars and life in space, our lives are very similar to that of the Jetsons. The incredible point that we had reached became especially apparent...

Play Tetris on Your Mac, and Other Easter Eggs- How To

Mac OSX has a ton of “easter eggs” (fun hidden features) built in, but not many people know them. Did you know you can play snake, and tetris, and pong straight from Terminal? I put just a few of the best easter eggs and fun little tricks here. How To Play Tetris, Snake, and More for free- no downloads necessary Open up Terminal from...

How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site in Five Easy Steps

How important is speed to your website? Google found that increasing load time by one half of a second decreased traffic by 20%. Needless to Say, it’s important. So how do you do it? How do you turn your “Homer Simpson” of a site into a “Michael Phelps”.  What you need to do if you want to speed it up is figure out what...

American Air Merger Revealed? False Rumor Secrets

People in the milleage community have been abuzz over an alleged clue towards a potential American Airlines and US Air merger. The clue was a Star Alliance logo in an alleged Apple marketing material using an AA logo (US is in Star, but not AA). In truth though, it was simply a hoah using a cleverly modified real Apple marketing material. Notice that everything...

Ipad Mini To Replace ipod touch?

There are strong rumors that Apple will release a new, small mobile tablet for just games and apps. I’d just like to point out to the many that ignore this fact that Apple already has a device like this. It’s called an iPod touch. And as I see it, when the iPad mini (or whatever they call it) comes around, the iPod touch will...