Category: technology

The Apple store Before “The Apple Store”

If you ever feel like doubting how radically different the Apple Store was from any store in the industry at its’ inception, take a look at this old photo I found of the original Apple Store from the mid ’90s. Back then any old joe could walk in to their company store in their headquarters and buy stuff. The Original Apple store as listed...

No More Television News?

Google Plus’s Hangout on air are becoming more and more regular parts of news broadcasting as are applications such as Skype. Interestingly enough, hangouts are also working as distribution networks. Could this be the future of news broadcasting? Will I one day be “hanging out” with Wolff Blitzer? It’s certainly a long way off, but watching the video below, I think it’s in the...

Google’s Self-Driving Car Still Going Strong

After over 300,000 miles of testing in real traffic, Google says its’ self-driving car is getting nearer and nearer to completion. According to Google there are at least twelve of their cars on the road testing at all times and they have yet to have an accident with one of them. Their goals for the future include figuring out how to adjust for snow...

Microsoft Creates The Future of Newspapers

Are you into a strange topic? Maybe you’re an airline millage junkie, or a model car collector, or you really care about all the latest sports news of Belgium. Whatever you like, Microsoft Fuse’s fantastic Montage web app allows you to read about your passion. Basically, for the grand price of free you can enter the most obscure topic and it will create a...