Category: science

Is It Safe To Stand in Front of The Microwave and Watch? The Answer

We’ve all heard it somewhere. “Don’t watch the microwave. You’ll go blind”. “Don’t stand in front of the microwave or it’ll cook you too”. We’ve all been scared by the old wives tale. So is it true? Mostly, no. And for your mother, or your grandmother, or your friend that doesn’t believe you, here’s the technical explanation. As we all remember from chemistry class,...

Does Gangnam Style Hitting 1 Billion Views Count as the world ending?

Breaking News- The World did not end. Worst. Apocalypse ever. The only disaster that’s happened so far is the fact that people have watched Gangnam Style 1 Billion times (the most of any video ever). By my calculations, Gangnam Style has likely made over 2 Million dollars in Youtube ad Revenue alone (assuming a $2 CPM Return). Add in single and album sales, additional...

A Smartphone App That Knows Everything

What’s the sine of 4.589? What’s the mass percentage of magnesium in magnesium oxide? How many daily page views does receive  One of my new favorite apps can answer those questions and many more in an instant. The latest on my list of app favorites is Wolfram Alpha ($4 iOS) which harnesses massive databases and supercomputing power straight to your smartphone and uses deductive...

Guess What’s on Netflix Now? Edition 1

I write about technology, but every once in a while I find something I love on Netflix and I have to bring it up here for all to know. Now I decided to make an official series out of it. So, in order to make this great you need to let me know what you find on netflix (or Hulu +) too. When you...

Apple Patents Air!

Stoppp the madnessssss!!!!! This title isn’t accurate (yet) but in five or ten years, this may be reality. Things that can be powerful in people’s lives when in the public domain, are confined to smaller uses when they are patented, and it is ruining our lives. People with Cancer, and other serious illnesses continue to die, when the potential to treat them is so...