Category: product

Google Glass? Bah. Old Technology- Here’s the Real Innovator

Google Glass seems way ahead of its’ time… and then you look at the market and find that several other similar (though not as high-tech) technologies do in fact exist. Case and point: The Oakley Airwave. These cool (in multiple senses) high-flying ski Goggles feature a heads-up display using the same display principle as google glass to display things such as your location, airtime,...

Major Widespread Flaw in Apple Retina Macbook Pro Causes Flicker- No Recall Plans yet

If you’re reading this any time after we’ve published this, you’re probably one of the proud owners of the new Retina Macbook Pro, and you’re probably wondering why the fuck heck your several thousand dollar computer has flickering bars across the screen. It’s not just you. The article we wrote about this in October is one of our most popular recent articles, and forums...

BI Reports iPhone 5S to Arrive in Spring

It’s being reported by various reasonably reliable sources that there will be both a new iPhone and iPad in the Spring. That would mean only about an eight month production of the current models if Apple released it at their Worldwide Developer Conference in June. Unfortunately it seems to just be pageview journalism. They report that limited production is already starting in test runs...

Samsung Galaxy Note Review: a phone on HGH

Phablet (phone/Tablet), fat phone, Phonezilla, BFP(Big Friendly Phone), Samsung Galaxy Hulk, the Lennie Small of smartphones.  I’ve had a lot of fun jokingly coming up with names for the Samsung Galaxy Note, but this serious smartphone competitor is nothing to laugh about. For the past few months I’ve used the Samsung Galaxy Note provided by Samsung, and it thrilled me with its’ impressive speed,...

Apple iPad Mini Event Recap “Cliff Notes”- New Macbook Pro, iPad, and More

Today Apple announced a ton of stuff, from a new line of macs, to a new line of iPads (yes, a line). There’s a lot of material that was covered, and as usual I took thorough notes during the keynote, and as usual I will share those with you so that you don’t have to watch the entire hour and a half long keynote....