Category: humor

Hundreds Pay to Not Run in Non-Existant Marathon

Do you dream of running a marathon, but have no athletic ability or will to do so whatsoever? On February 2nd YOU can make people think you ran a marathon as a part of the 1st Annual Run-Free Fake Marathon. I’m not even joking. This Kickstarter Project is a Psychological Experiment into how many forged photos and tweets and updates it takes to “make...

Surface Vs iPad (Video)

This “surface”d the other day. It’s a humorous parody of the difference between the advertising for Microsoft’s Surface and Apple’s iPad. It basically combines the two ads into one mega ad where they interact. It’s a funny video, but it does bring a real point. Apple’s ad strategy has won awards and acclaim for being some of the best in history. What many wonder...

Best Jokes And Memes For Hurricane Sandy

Sandy sucks. The cell towers are so overloaded that my web surfing has been brought to a crawl. Optimum is out meaning no regular internet or TV. The generator mentioned the other day is providing limited support. That’s why I wanted to provide some comic relief to those of you who like me must face the wrath of Sandy A.K.A Frankenstorm. Enjoy and let...

SNL Vs First World Problems (Video) #firstworldproblems

Last week we pointed you towards a poor community parodying first world problems. Once again, a popular video has come out parodying #firstworldproblems, but this time it’s by Saturday Night Live. Tech Talk. That’s the show they parody, and they do it well. It’s hilarious  Check out the parody video below. [polldaddy poll=6608446]

Best Current Mac Memes

These Mac Memes are causing a lot of buzz for a reason. As a nerd, I’m always on the lookout for nerdy, punny memes (especially tech ones). They’re all clever and entertaining. Enjoy. The Big Mac, vs the big Mac.   More Nerd Memes.