Category: Android

Quick Review: WhatsApp Messenger

iMessage is great when all of your friends have iPhones, but when your friends and family around the globe have Droids, and Blackberries, and Windows Phones too, it gets frustrating to send them all messages (and downright expensive). That’s where WhatsApp messenger comes in. I had family abroad last year with a Blackberry (i Know right?) so I turned to a combination of WhatsApp...

The insurmountable challenge that Windows Phone 8 and BB10 Face

“If you build it [they] will come”. That call, similar to the call heard in the classic movie “Field of Dreams” seems to be the call driving the creation of Windows Phone 8, and BB10, but unfortunately for the builders, they face the challenge of having to lure two different groups, and that is what will make gaining market share such a challenge. Building...

REVIEW: Songza: Listen To Top Tunes for Free With Marvelous Music Concierge

Of the thousands of music apps and services out there, perhaps none is more unique than Songza, a fantastic free app available for both Android and iOS. Think of Songza as a cross between Spotify, Siri, and Pandora. It builds in a killer free music library, a unique music-discovery engine, and a very solid player, which makes it my streaming music app of choice....

Chip Hidden in Google Nexus 4… And You Can Access It

When Google quietly announced it’s latest flagship smartphone, the Nexus 4, which is made by LG, people were shocked that it did not have 4G LTE technology, but rather HSPA+. While HSPA+ is not bad (it actually can compete with LTE on speed) it isn’t quite as fast and won’t be supported as much in the future. Google says that they didn’t include LTE...

What My Trip To the Pharmacy Taught Me About Technology

Happy Turkey day everyone. In 1963 the Jetsons first aired and a new generation of dreamers was introduced to a dreamy future of  widespread technology, videochatting, robots, and flying cars. It seemed so crazy then, but minus the flying cars and life in space, our lives are very similar to that of the Jetsons. The incredible point that we had reached became especially apparent...