Tagged: Website

Hundreds Pay to Not Run in Non-Existant Marathon

Do you dream of running a marathon, but have no athletic ability or will to do so whatsoever? On February 2nd YOU can make people think you ran a marathon as a part of the 1st Annual Run-Free Fake Marathon. I’m not even joking. This Kickstarter Project is a Psychological Experiment into how many forged photos and tweets and updates it takes to “make...

A Smartphone App That Knows Everything

What’s the sine of 4.589? What’s the mass percentage of magnesium in magnesium oxide? How many daily page views does Problogger.net receive  One of my new favorite apps can answer those questions and many more in an instant. The latest on my list of app favorites is Wolfram Alpha ($4 iOS) which harnesses massive databases and supercomputing power straight to your smartphone and uses deductive...

How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site in Five Easy Steps

How important is speed to your website? Google found that increasing load time by one half of a second decreased traffic by 20%. Needless to Say, it’s important. So how do you do it? How do you turn your “Homer Simpson” of a site into a “Michael Phelps”.  What you need to do if you want to speed it up is figure out what...

Preparing To Move – Part 1

Hi everybody, Since the start last November we’ve been using Google’s awesome Blogger service, but at this point we need more customization than they offer, so now we’re beginning to prepare to move to a self- hosted Wordpress. This is a complicated process because of the platform differences, but we’ve worked it out to a few phases which will be complete by early October. What...

Microsoft Creates The Future of Newspapers

Are you into a strange topic? Maybe you’re an airline millage junkie, or a model car collector, or you really care about all the latest sports news of Belgium. Whatever you like, Microsoft Fuse’s fantastic Montage web app allows you to read about your passion. Basically, for the grand price of free you can enter the most obscure topic and it will create a...