Tagged: stupid

I Sold My iPhone To Microsoft

Some things bewilder me. Microsoft is now offering an iPhone buyback program (I’m not actually sure what to call this, considering how unique this is)  for a minimum of $200. That’s way more credit than Apple’s own program. The issue for Microsoft is of course that it’s Microsoft Store credit, which can be used for anything, not just surfaces and Windows Phones as some...

Amy Poehler’s Best Buy Ad- Good or Bad?- Gameday Special

For Best buy’s Super Bowl Ad this year, they hired Amy Poehler to play the part of a “clueless” shopper in a homage to the ease of use of their stores. The problem was… she wasn’t that dumb. She asked less “man that’s stupid” questions, and more double-meaning, trying-to-be-funny questions which just fell flat. 5 Examples of Lines That Fell Flat What’s the difference...