Tagged: satire

man making ipad out of household materials

How To Build an iPad [Video DIY]

Want an iPad, but can’t afford one? No worries. With a few household items, you can build your own, and save yourself hundreds of dollars in the process. In a recent video by newscaster Conan O’brien, Do-it-yourself correspondent Matt Walsh demonstrated the whole process. It takes just 30 minutes of prep, 12 hours of fermentation, and there you have it, an iPad! Don’t worry....

120,000 Petition President For Secession of Texas From United States

Oh how wonderful is the internet? Everything is bigger in Texas, and that includes their online petition to secede from the union on the president’s We The People Site ( Basically Yahoo answers- except all of the answers come from the Whitehouse, and all of the questions need 25,000 askers). Over 114,000 people signed on to the petition, but I’m willing to bet that at least...