Tagged: opinion

Poke Vs Snapchat- Which is Better?

Snapchat and Poke, the new service competition. I’ve been using Snapchat for over a half a year now (our original review here), so when Facebook released Poke, a similar service, I wasn’t sure it was even worth trying to get into, but what I’ve discovered may have changed my mind. Here’s the truth on which is better from a user of both. Both Poke and...

Why Facebook Should Hire Teenage Girls

Facebook often seems to be playing catch-up. They released Poke, a video-communication app similar to Snapchat just days ago, and they payed nearly a billion dollars for popular Photo-Sharing app instagram. What do these apps have in common besides the use of the camera? A large portion of their original users were teenage girls. Their biggest partner, Zynga wasted hundreds of millions to buy...

Maker Network Refuses To Release Property To Ray William Johnson- Who is this Feud Hurting More?

Two years ago Ray William Johnson signed his channel on to the Maker Network in good faith, believing that for the agreed upon terms they would help him grow his channel and raise more from advertising. When Maker tried to sleazily change the terms in the middle of the contract, he wanted out. Or at least that’s the story he’s telling. Make Network on the other...

Internal Survey Shows People Just Don’t Like Windows 8

We did a survey a while back on what people thought of Windows 8, and we could tell then and there that people did not like it one bit, but after more and more people have weighed in, we thought we’d reshare some stats. 43% of those surveyed disliked or extremely disliked Windows 8. 40% of people liked Windows 8. Another 17% thought it...

Should Free In-Flight Wifi be a First Class Perk?

If you remember WAY back, I wrote about my experience with Gogo Inflight Internet, and seriously, internet makes the difference between a boring flight, and a productive flight. But current internet is prohibitively expensive for its’ speed. A one day pass on Gogo costs  $14. In an age where domestic airlines are trying to differentiate without raising costs, I was wondering why none of...