
Tagged: microsoft

Microsoft Band wearable - Microsoft turnaround

Microsoft’s Steady Comeback Has Begun

Microsoft was in bad shape when CEO Steve Ballmer left this year. It was very fiscally healthy, but it had failed twice in two years to release a successful tablet despite billions spent on marketing. Microsoft’s Windows phones picked up only a fraction of the global smartphone market. Microsoft’s most lucrative products, the  Office Suite and Windows, faced steep competition from Google’s own offerings. Over the past decade, Microsoft...

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella takes on the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS

How To Do The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Correctly

The ALS Ice bucket challenge has gone super-viral, and everyone’s joining in on the fun – including the President of the US. Now, we’re teaching you how to do the challenge properly. Whether you want to blow your friends away with an amazing video, spread the challenge to your group of friends, or just do the basic challenge, this tutorial will teach you all...

microsoft innovation creates hyperlapse video algorithm

Microsoft Fixed The Timelapse

Meaningful innovation is not Microsoft’s strong suit. Still, one of Microsoft’s latest research projects has done amazing things to improve one of my favorite types of video – the timelapse. The results of this little science project, are absolutely artful, and magnificent. How They Did It Microsoft engineers have created an algorithm for turning choppy, bumpy timelapse videos into smooth, beautiful, flowing timelapses. The...

microsoft i don't like change

This is the best Microsoft Ad…Ever [Video]

If Microsoft had an equivalent to Apple’s landmark “1984” ad, this ad would be it. Microsoft’s new ad, “Child of the ’90s”, aims to sell internet explorer, or rather, to reintroduce it. Using outdated items like Floppy disks, bowl cuts, and neopets, Microsoft forces nostalgia at the world’s most popular browser of the 1990s, Internet Explorer. And then, Microsoft slices through the delusion that...

modern family windows product placement

Modern Family And Microsoft Go a bit Wild with the Product Placement

Microsoft must have paid Modern Family a lot of money for the rights to product placement, because in one screenshot, I found eight products placed, from a Windows tablet, to a Surface-like tablet, to Windows laptops. Seriously, it’s a barrage of Windows Products. It’s the best marketing I’ve seen from Microsoft in recent years. Especially compared to their awful TV ads. Check it out...