
Tagged: ipad mini

Apple Rumors 2013: What’s Coming?

There’s a lot on the block for Apple 2013…at least according to the rumor gods. So what can we expect? Here are nine things we expect out of Cupertino in 2013. Retina Macbook Air: Likelihood: 60-70%. Lately, Cupertino has been rapping everything in a retina display, their super-high-definition, high density displays. The full-sized iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Macbook Pro line all have retina displays....

Give Me 5 Reasons Why I Shouldn’t Buy An iPad Mini!

I’m buying an iPad Mini and you CAN stop me. It’s really against my better judgement to buy a device that will clearly be replaced soon, and that clearly is a bit underpowered…but I can’t help myself. Can you reason with me? Both my trip to the 5th Avenue Apple Store (pictures below) and some interesting things I’ve read on the mini have convinced...

What is the Real Cost of Your iPad? Calculate it Here

The list price may start at $329, but that’s in no way the price. The actual costs to you for a tablet may be higher or lower than list price based on a few factors. Here’s how to calculate the cost of your iPad. We created a simple checklist to calculate the exact cost to you. Add and subtract the below values to calculate...

a comparison of the galaxy note, iphone 4, blackberry bold, and LG Chocolate

Big Phone Vs Small Phone? Why I Switched From the iPhone to the Samsung Galaxy Note And Back

As Huawei unveiled the ginormous 6.1 inch Ascend Mate smartphone at CES last week, the debate over how big is too big raged on, and I decided to add my two cents as someone who has months of experience using a phablet, and years using an iPhone and smaller (think LG Chocolate). But… Check out the graphic we built on this before we get into it...

iPad Mini Case Study: Price Above All

The new iPad Mini’s high price has left questions of whether people will buy its’ cheaper competitors instead, and while I can’t answer those questions in the broadest sense yet of whether it will sell, I can relay one story of a consumer I spoke to. Yesterday I met a woman, in her early twenties, who was very techincally savvy. While you couldn’t classify...