
Tagged: 3D printer

3D printed products on Amazon 3D print store

Have You Visited Amazon’s 3D-Printed Store?

Amazon now sells 3D printed goods, in an official section. You can customize things like wallets, bobbleheads, and jewelry, and Amazon will 3D print your item, and ship it to you for a pretty reasonable price. It’d definately novel. The gimmicks, and little plastic gobbledeegook that Amazon is offering is only attractive for the thrill of owning something 3D printed, and not for any...

new matter mod-t 3D printer in use

New Matter – May Startup of the Month

This month’s featured startup is New Matter, a company that just successfully crowdfunded their new affordable 3D printer on Indiegogo. See past startups of the month here. In just three days, they’ve raised over $440,000 with no sign of slowing down (their goal was $375,000). Why have they been successful? Their printer is beautiful, affordable, and supposedly much easier to use. Watch the video...