Category: website

The New WordPress Update Is Here: Update ASAP 12/11/2012

This is a reminder to everyone with a WordPress site out there that you need to update…like now. WordPress 3.5 is out, and it’s really important to update yours as soon as possible. Why? Read on. I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of WordPress sites that were hacked because they simply didn’t have the latest version of WordPress, and there were holes which hackers got...

Mashable Incorporates Micro-sharing- Are we losing the patience to read a tweet?

With 1 billion people on Facebook, and hundreds of millions more on other social networks, sharing has become the most important focus for futuristic web design, and the new technology, called “microcontent” utilized in the new design released today is one awesome major example of what that focus has produced. Here’s an example of microcontent in use. Say you’re reading a list of...

How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site in Five Easy Steps

How important is speed to your website? Google found that increasing load time by one half of a second decreased traffic by 20%. Needless to Say, it’s important. So how do you do it? How do you turn your “Homer Simpson” of a site into a “Michael Phelps”.  What you need to do if you want to speed it up is figure out what...

Is Google Drive Better Than Dropbox? The Answer

As I mentioned yesterday I applied for a Google Drive invite and I received access and tested it out. Here’s my first thoughts on Google’s new Cloud Storage Solution and how it compares to Dropbox in terms of feature and value. So the first thing I noticed when I entered G-Drive for  the first time was the striking similarity to Google Docs (which I...