Category: tips

How To Speed Up Your WordPress Site in Five Easy Steps

How important is speed to your website? Google found that increasing load time by one half of a second decreased traffic by 20%. Needless to Say, it’s important. So how do you do it? How do you turn your “Homer Simpson” of a site into a “Michael Phelps”.  What you need to do if you want to speed it up is figure out what...

Beware the Phishers: How to keep your Data SAFE!

We all know how to spot phishing scams…or do we. When a family member of mine texted me a link and said I could get a free iphone recently, I assumed their phone had been stolen by scammers. It turned out that they were just naive about phishing scams. Some people just don’t recognize them. Sometimes even I’m fooled for a second by a...

How NOT To Share Everything You Do on Facebook

Do you read a lot of articles online? Do you watch a lot of videos? Do you LOVE a Facebook game? If you participate in one of these activities along with thousands of others and I’m friends with you on Facebook I know, because the developers of these apps and sites build autosharing into their applications for the free publicity to your friends. But,...

Youtube Case Study: Use A Tripod

Today I saw a video on the Tube that was so shaky that I had to share it. Allow me to emphasize: Use a tripod!!!!!!!! It literally makes a decent video unwatchable. Here’s the video from Youtuber “successfulblogging”. To all- Take my advice and use a tripod when possible. When you don’t, use a stack of books or something else flat on a table or chair...

7 Little Known Factors That May Affect Your Google Search Rankings

Hello Fellow Nerds, Bloggers, and more. Are you having trouble getting good Google Rankings? Are you not listed. Let me help you fix those SEO problems quickly, freely, and in a respectable way. First Let’s Talk about a few things that can screw up your search Rankings Link Selling, sponsored links, And purchased links. Incoming links are “the currency of the web”. So why...