Category: television

Hulu Reinvents/Photocopies TV

TV has been forever changed by the internet. We all know that. Until recently, sites like Hulu were only aggregators of television content, and not actual producers, but now that has changed. Hulu has begun producing full length television shows available exclusively on Today I watched the pilot of one of those show titled “BattleGround” which is basically a photocopy of The Office with a...

Apple Releases Television Mac!

This title may be a little misleading but it’s true. Did you know that in 1993 Apple released a Combo Mac/Television. It was only on sale for five months. Believe it or not it worked fine. It weighed 40 pounds (the current Imac weighs 20). Only 10,000 were made. So why did it fail? You couldn’t watch TV while using the computer so if...

Siri For TV?

For This one I have to Credit Gizmodo. This is why Siri would never work on a television (HAHA LOL). Anyways:🙂 Posts provided by The App Store Chronicle- All Rights reserved