Category: scam

Beware the Phishers: How to keep your Data SAFE!

We all know how to spot phishing scams…or do we. When a family member of mine texted me a link and said I could get a free iphone recently, I assumed their phone had been stolen by scammers. It turned out that they were just naive about phishing scams. Some people just don’t recognize them. Sometimes even I’m fooled for a second by a...

SNL Does a Great Take on Verizon’s Deceptive Ads

Verizon ads may be long, but they say absolutely nothing. That’s the premise to one of SNL’s latest parody ads which spoofed Verizon. The video below is exaggerated, but it really gets me thinking. How many of us really understand what they are selling us? How do we know we aren’t being scammed. I don’t know. The one thing I do know is that this...

The Next Apple Product Ripped off By Asia- Steve Jobs?

Hey all. Check out this unbelievable video I found. This is some Asian Android Tablet maker taking a crack at Steve Jobs’s death and it is just downright disrespectful. Making fun of a celebrity in an ad is OK. We do it in America all the time. Making fun of a dead man is not all right. This idiot who is apparently some famous...

Bad App-le of The Month

This month’s bad app is the Hand Warmer 1.0 ($.99). It doesn’t work and it costs money (a double negative). That’s the scam of the month. There are reportedly iphone handwarmers that work by overheating the phone and overworking that actually work. This doesn’t. Neither is good for your phone or your pocket. Basically Don’t buy it! Here’s one entertaining review from a purchaser:...