Category: microsoft

Review: Windows 8 Kickstart, By James Howard Russell

When Microsoft released Windows 8, a lot of users were left dazed and confused, (see video at bottom), and even I had some unanswered questions. Windows 8 is designed (and confusingly so) to frustrate. Still, once you master all of its nuances, it’s got some incredible features that make it worth the hassle (maybe). For new users of Windows 8 looking for guidance, I...

Does Microsoft have the [blank] To Release Office for iOS? Evidence Shows It’s Coming

Microsoft’s reluctance to release their Office suite of tools for Apple’s iOS is born less out of protection for their own platform than you’d think. That was the original reason for Microsoft holding back. They didn’t want to adopt a platform that was quickly making their own obsolete, but they’ve recently shipped many beta, and finished products for Apple’s iOS. The holdup on Office...

How To Quickly and Cheaply Run Windows on a Mac

Like many professionals, I need to run some Windows-only software, but my main computer is a mac. After a few hours, I had Windows apps running alongside my mac apps, and I did it all for under $100 (about $60 for me personally). Here’s how we ran Windows quickly and cheaply on a Mac, using Parallels Desktop 8. What You’ll Need: A Mac Parallels...

The insurmountable challenge that Windows Phone 8 and BB10 Face

“If you build it [they] will come”. That call, similar to the call heard in the classic movie “Field of Dreams” seems to be the call driving the creation of Windows Phone 8, and BB10, but unfortunately for the builders, they face the challenge of having to lure two different groups, and that is what will make gaining market share such a challenge. Building...

The Customer support grammar india microsoft

This Must Be The Apocalypse! Microsoft Tech Support Impressed Me

Normally I’m not impressed by Steve Balmer and Co., but as I was playing around with the Microsoft’s support section, their new support plan impressed me. This is from reading the description, but it actually seems like Microsoft has made an effort to improve their horrid customer service. Everything has improved except the grammar of their agents. See this passage from their support page:...