Category: advertising

Is Emotional Economics the key to innovation? [video]

Recently I was surfing TED(Technology Entertainment Design) when I ran into a fantastic talk by master Ad executive Rory Sutherland. Rory Sutherland presents a fantastic argument on how simply changing perspective can change value and how creative thinkers can often come up with better solutions than technical geniuses. For example, in one of his videos he mentions that London spent 6 Billion pounds on...

The Microsoft Ipad- Concept Poster

How Different would it have been if Microsoft made the ipad? That is what I was thinking the other day. In the end I decided to do a rendering of what I think a Microsoft ipad’s poster would look like. This uses the original ipad, with Microsoft Branding. I made this using a combination of Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. You may post this elsewhere provided...

About The Mac

In yet another video post (I decided to do a bunch this week) I am sharing with you the most interesting videos on the creation of the Macintosh. This is fascinating, and really visually tells the tale of Mac from start to finish ending with that iconic presentation by Jobs, and the 1984 commercial. One video is actually from NExT in the mid 90s...