Author: Michael Sitver

useless machines ted talk

Some Call It Pointless. He Calls It Art.

Bryan Cera’s is proud to build useless machines. Cera is the man behind ARAI the procrastinating robot, a scream-controlled game of pong, and a cell-phone that requires the sacrifice of your hand. Cera gave this inspiring TEDx talk on his work at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee earlier this month. Share Brian’s Story: “I found it interesting that by making this robot more like a human...

build your own google glass wearables

How To Build Your Own Google Glass

Wearing Google Glass is an amazing experience, but $1,500 is really expensive! What if you could make your own wearable computer for under $200? This hack comes to us via Adafruit, and features a pair of those movie-screen glasses, and a Raspberry pi. The full tutorial can be found here, but we’ve summarized it for you below. How It’s Made (A Summary) Follow @msitver The...

AMA mark zuckerberg q and a at facebook

10 Fascinating Answers From Zuck’s Q&A

Today Mark Zuckerberg invited all of Facebook’s users to ask him questions. It was an hour of Zuckerberg, unfiltered, and it yielded some interesting info. Here are the 10  fascinating details you don’t want to miss from today. You can also just watch the full event here. “Do you care that Facebook isn’t “cool” anymore?” Zuck responded that it’s never been about being cool. “I am not...

bowling ball feather experiment video slow motion

This Awe-Inspiring Physics Experiment is 100% For Real

How do you create the world’s most compelling physics demo? Start with the world’s largest vacuum chamber. Take a famous theoretical problem, and reenact it in a grand fashion, and do it all in slow-motion HD. That’s exactly what the BBC did to the classic gravitational case of the bowling ball, and the feathers in free fall. When you drop a bowling ball, and a...

Microsoft Band wearable - Microsoft turnaround

Microsoft’s Steady Comeback Has Begun

Microsoft was in bad shape when CEO Steve Ballmer left this year. It was very fiscally healthy, but it had failed twice in two years to release a successful tablet despite billions spent on marketing. Microsoft’s Windows phones picked up only a fraction of the global smartphone market. Microsoft’s most lucrative products, the  Office Suite and Windows, faced steep competition from Google’s own offerings. Over the past decade, Microsoft...