Monthly Archive: December 2013

Apple’s Touching Holiday Ad Was Shot Entirely on An iPhone 5S

As they say, “the proof is in the pudding”. Apple showed off the iPhone 5S’s camera in one of the more brilliant smartphone ads of all time, “A Harris Family Holiday”, an ad launched yesterday, set to Judy Garland’s “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. The ad was a family holiday montage shot entirely on an iPhone 5S – a standard iPhone 5S. Complete...

Thank You Walt! (and an interview from 365 days ago)

I just wanted to give a shoutout to Walter Mossberg today. Mossberg has been writing digital reviews for 22 years for the Wall Street Journal, and his own outfit, AllthingsD. Today Walt wrote his final column, fittingly titled “Top Products in Two Decades of Product Reviews“, which is definitely worth a read. Walt has been an inspiration and a mentor to me. His columns...

Leo Grand homeless hacker coder inspiring story with his chromebook by samsung

Meet Leo The Homeless Hacker, And Learn How His Life Changed

A few months ago, Patrick McConlogue, a New York software engineer, came across a homeless man exercising using boat chains and rocks as makeshift machinery. In the sorrowful tale of Leo Grand, homeless since he lost his job in 2011, McConlogue saw promise, and he acted upon it in a way that not many people would. Patrick proposed an experiment online, hypothesizing that a homeless...

15 Last Minute Gadget Gifts That Nerds Really Want

So you forgot to get your resident nerd a holiday gift. No big deal. I’ll make sure that your favorite nerd is satisfied. Trust in my giftpicking expertise, and your nerdy husband, wife, child, mother or father will be very happy. The Best News For Gift Procrastinators Until this Wednesday (the 18th), you can still have any gift shipped to your door by Christmastime,...

the many colors of mac, ipod, and iPhone, and Steve Jobs's color strategy

How Apple Uses Color

Apple’s history with color is pretty black and white. First they release a product in black, or white. Next, they release a version in the color not previously released. Lastly, they release a variety of colors, and laud their brilliant (emphasis: mine) new colors. It’s really pretty predictable. The good news of course is that Apple is sticking to the pattern – indicating a...