Tagged: Android

How To Get Android Studio IDE Right Now

So you want to download Android Studio, Google’s new Android intergrated Development enviroment, released at 2013 Google IO? We’ve got you covered. Get it before your friends and colleagues by following these 4 steps.   Visit this hidden support page, which has the Android Studio download Accept the terms and conditions. and click the download button. Have fun, and enjoy the brilliant new environment....

Google Nexus 4 Review – Better Late than Never

So  I was finally able to get my hands on the LG-made, Google Nexus 4 and I have been using it for about a month, now. It’s been a long time coming, but LG has done an absolutely horrid job of keeping it in stock. The only nice thing that came out of the ordering procedure was when it finally shipped (after about a...

On the First Day of CES Sony Gave to Me, A Sony Xperia Z

Phones, electronics, and liquid don’t mix. As one person put it yesterday on Google Plus, “Beer + Macbook Pro = tears. I’ve learnt my lesson and keep liquids as far away from my machine as possible”. Sony is setting out to change that among many other things with their brand new Sony Xperia Z, an Android smartphone running Jellybean (4.1 soon to be upgraded...

Quick Review: WhatsApp Messenger

iMessage is great when all of your friends have iPhones, but when your friends and family around the globe have Droids, and Blackberries, and Windows Phones too, it gets frustrating to send them all messages (and downright expensive). That’s where WhatsApp messenger comes in. I had family abroad last year with a Blackberry (i Know right?) so I turned to a combination of WhatsApp...

The insurmountable challenge that Windows Phone 8 and BB10 Face

“If you build it [they] will come”. That call, similar to the call heard in the classic movie “Field of Dreams” seems to be the call driving the creation of Windows Phone 8, and BB10, but unfortunately for the builders, they face the challenge of having to lure two different groups, and that is what will make gaining market share such a challenge. Building...