Tagged: Apple

Apple Preparing To Sue Amazon Over New Ad?

  If you’ve seen Amazon’s latest ad, maybe you had the same thought that I did. How long until Apple files a lawsuit? When comparing the Kindle Fire HD and the iPad 4, the narrator said “you may not be able to tell the difference”. Before I argue the merits of that point, might I remind you that Apple sued a company for having...

mailtab pro menu bar

Mailtab Pro for Gmail Review: Mac apps

Apple’s mail is sufficient for answering and reading emails, but it can be a bit annoying with popups, notifications, and the like. When I went looking for an alternative mac email client, I came across Mailtab Pro for Gmail for mac, available from the Mac app store for $2, and I was thrilled with its’ simplicity and utility. Design Mailtab Pro for Gmail is a...

Apple Rumors 2013: What’s Coming?

There’s a lot on the block for Apple 2013…at least according to the rumor gods. So what can we expect? Here are nine things we expect out of Cupertino in 2013. Retina Macbook Air: Likelihood: 60-70%. Lately, Cupertino has been rapping everything in a retina display, their super-high-definition, high density displays. The full-sized iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Macbook Pro line all have retina displays....

Ditch The Bars And Actually Measure Your iPhone’s Signal Strength With This Tutorial

Frustrated by the bars? Does the typical confining five bar arrangement leave you with more questions than answers? When I measure signals, I use a hidden feature on the iPhone that gives you an exact measured numerical value to indicate signal strength, and I’m going to teach you how to get it yourself, and decipher what it means to you. First I’ll give you...

Apple Co-founder “Steve [Jobs] Didn’t Have To Be So Much of a Bastard (video)

Usually Apple’s co-founder Steve Wozniak has only good things to say about Steve Jobs, but in this in video he  leaks some of his true feelings and tensions on the deceased Apple cofounder. Towards the end, when asked about the departure of Apple’s Scott Forestall, he says “I don’t believe Steve had to be as much of a rugged bastard, putting people down and...