Tagged: about the blog

New here? Get started on our new “getting started” page.

We love new people, and we haven’t been friendly enough to them lately here on The App Store Chronicle, so today we’re proud to launch the “getting started” page. This new page is entirely devoted to helping you get off on the right foot with us. It has places to find us, ways to connect with us, and some of our best stuff to catch...

The App Store Chronicle Turns 1- 12 Of our Best From 12 Months

We’ve made it. One year. We’ve published for 365 days continuously and we’ve gained a lot of friends on the way. We’re celebrating this in a big way all month. Today we’re showcasing some of our favorite articles from the one year we’ve existed. Check back all month and sign up for our email newsletter below to avoid missing the fun. We’ve got a...