Category: Youtube

Are YOU Using Google Play?

You may have noticed that this month Google officially added a new service, Google Play. I’m curious if anybody has adopted it yet. The Umbrella service sells books, games, Android Applications, and music in a way similar to Apple’s itunes store. I’m interested to see which direction consumers will go towards. Here are some videos I found on the subject. The introduction video created...

How Youtube Trolls Can Help YOUR Videos!

Trolls. Everybody hates them, except other trolls. But when the trolls hit your videos, does it harm or help you? That’s what I’ll answer below. Besides some emotional scarring, a few trolls can help your videos. First of all, they create conversation which drives up your Youtube search results, and they force other, nicer people to respond. Secondly, with video responses, trolls essentially promote...

How To Get A Space in Your Youtube Username: The Answer

Hello fellow nerds, I’m assuming that if you are not viewing this via RSS or email (Hi email Subscribers) you probably want a Youtube username with a space. Well, today I have a solution for you. First of all, know that for now you cannot change your Youtube username, so you will need a new Google account, or to delete your old google account...

Youtube To Unvail Channel Name-Changing Option

I have some breaking news for you all. Youtube will soon be unvailing the option to change your username. This will probably function similarly to Twitter’s name change function. To uniquely identify users when their channel name changes Youtube has assigned each user a Youtube User Id which can be found in your Youtube Channel’s settings page now. Expect this feature sometime this month....

So An Old Guy Gets An ipad…

As usual, today is that day when I find you an inspiring/funny video. This one is one that I found last night, and it makes me laugh as many times as I see it. He’s so mature, and old, and yet he is emotional in a good way like a child. So enjoy watching an old guy get an ipad 2 for Christmas (...