Category: windows

Microsoft: “We’re Back” with Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Surface

We’ve done a lot of polling lately, and one of the things we asked you was “What do you think of Windows 8?” The split was pretty even for whether people liked it now, but 29% of you said that you believed Windows 8 is a step in the right direction. That’s just one step though; Microsoft has worked hard recently to reimagine their...

Why Windows 8 Sucks And Rules at The Same Time #Windows8

Windows 8 is garnering more attention than any Windows release since perhaps the original OS came out 26 years ago. Critics say Windows 8 is not built for computing, not powerful enough, and not easy to use. Fans love the new metro User interface, redesigned apps, and app store. Me? I agree with the both of them, and here’s why. As a non-touch operating...

How To Build YOUR Situation Room- How To Build A SICK Home Office- 2

The Whitehouse Situation Room- You’ve likely seen it on TV and in movies. The fortune 500 CEO, secret agent, or dirty politician in whatever show you’re watching is monitoring the news via a billion screens. In “The Social Network”, Mark Zuckerberg, and the rest of Facebook look on to a giant screen to see when their site hits 500 million users. Believe it or...

Ultrabooks Look Cool- I admit it

I admit finally that ultrabooks look so cool. Some of them are exact copies of macs, but if you are on the market for a personal PC computer, the ultrabooks are definitely the way to go. Check out some of the great selections explained in the video below. Posts provided by The App Store Chronicle- All Rights reserved

Windows 8 WOWs!

Pure, Clean, and Functional. Three word I never would have thought of using when describing Windows before today. When I first used Metro Consumer Preview I was shocked. After some initial trouble with low screen resolution which I solved by switching to an external monitor, it has worked beautifully. Some of the apps in the Metro interface I already plan to include in my everyday...