Category: Tablet

Ipad Mini To Replace ipod touch?

There are strong rumors that Apple will release a new, small mobile tablet for just games and apps. I’d just like to point out to the many that ignore this fact that Apple already has a device like this. It’s called an iPod touch. And as I see it, when the iPad mini (or whatever they call it) comes around, the iPod touch will...

Why We Need An Indestructible iphone

Hey My Fellow Nerds,You know what one of the most depressing things about my iphone 4 is? It’s incredibly well designed, and yet I must keep the nice brushed metal, glass back, and glass front buried in a see of plastic, and rubber protection. The Plastic gets scuffed, so the glass doesn’t. Either way, when I take my phone out of my pocket, there are scuff...

This time Baby, I’ll be, Waaaaterproof!

Ignore the cheesy title. I am referring of course to the new Fujitsu Waterproof or “toiletproof” tablet. That was literally their presentation at CES. I’m trying to get one to test, although that testing would probably focus more on dropping it in sources of water then actually testing the tablet. Imagine using a tablet in the shower. Is this the next step for the...

How Apple Could Kill Android

People love customization. People love simple products that “just work”. That is the dilemma. That is the question. Will you tolerate a product that crashes, and has bugs, and tons of crappy products mixed with a few good ones for some extra customization. This is why Android is tied with Apple in the mobile world. By many counts there are over 200 devices running...