Category: Google

Will YOU Sell YOUR Privacy?

Hey Guys. Yesterday Google launched a new program called Screenwise. Screenwise is a Google program where anyone over the age of thirteen can receive up to $25 per year in Amazon Gift cards in return for letting Google have unlimited access to their data. This poses the question “Will you sell yourself?”. This gives them access to your search, your docs, your email, and...

Is your data safe? Google Centralizes “Privacy Policy”

As a web Junky I’m not always as careful as some when it comes to data. That being said, I am still worried about the new Google Centralized Privacy Policy. I like having Separate Policies for each program because I believe Youtube which is meant for sharing should have different privacy options than my Gmail.  By overgeneralizing and Simplifying Could Google be leaving a Big Gap...

Facebook Releases “Don’t Be Evil” plugin For Google

A few Facebook, and Twitter engineers created an incredible new plugin for Google search that can be accessed here. When you search for a term on Google and then click on the plugin (available for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox at press time) social search results will change. Normally, only related terms from Google+ show up. Now though, when you click on the plugin you...

How Apple Could Kill Android

People love customization. People love simple products that “just work”. That is the dilemma. That is the question. Will you tolerate a product that crashes, and has bugs, and tons of crappy products mixed with a few good ones for some extra customization. This is why Android is tied with Apple in the mobile world. By many counts there are over 200 devices running...

How To Really Stop PIPA

Bringing poltical change is grassroots so we need everyone to contact their local representitives by phone and email with their concerns. Flood their inboxes. Show them you care. Get your friends to do the same. Do the same times 10 to the senate. Senators barely use the web. Flood them with petitions. Use congress+ for iphone to get their aids’ emails and flood them...