Category: future

A Dustless, Cool and quiet Computer- Possible??

Desktops are hot and dusty. It’s a fact of life. Or is it? Thanks to a new Taiwanese company that may not always be the case. As you can see in this Engadget article, Taiwan’s Young Year Electronics has created a computer casing that has no fan which means less dust sucked in to the computer, and a much quieter machine, and is cooled...

Can Smartphones Be the Future of Film?

What is the future of film? Mobile devices have become quite viable options for hobbyists and families due to their built in editing, sharing, and high definition video capabilities, But will there ever be a day when they will be acceptable in a studio setting? I think so. The major issue with producing video on mobile devices right now is that they are not...

An Earth-shattering Reality

What is the future of glass? Over the past ten years we have learned that glass is not just for windows. New see-through OLED glass screens will soon be in use for advertising on supermarket freezers. Windows on the new Boeing 787 are dimmable. Literally hundreds of millions of glass-screened smartphones, and tablet devices get use daily by millions of people around the world....