Monthly Archive: October 2013

The Real SIRI: The Woman Behind the voice

If you’ve picked up an iPhone or iPad in the past years, or watched an Apple commercial, you’ve probably heard her voice. She’s SIRI, the automated virtual assistant that Apple created for the iPhone 4S, and that has appeared on every device since. But until today, the woman behind the voice has been secret. She’s the voice of SIRI, and she’s talking… and it...

Our New Slogan, and why we chose it

You might notice we have a new slogan in our header today. “Sharing technology. Informing the world”. This is our new beta slogan (as in, it’s in testing). This slogan serves as our new public mission statement, and a statement of what we believe in. It’s what makes The App Store Chronicle, The App Store Chronicle, and it’s what sets us apart from other...