Speedy Sony Engineers Build 3 Devices in 5 Minutes(Video)

Sony released several new devices at CES 2013, and they also showed the press a video which they have just made public of their engineers constructing three devices by hand in 5 minutes. The engineers start with a pile of precompiled tools and parts, and they put together the impressive machines (a camcorder, a camera, and their Xperia Z smartphone) in only 5 Minutes. Now, that’s assuming they aren’t following their company slogan of “Make Believe” and speeding the whole process up. Watch and judge for yourself.


Michael Sitver

Michael Sitver is a technology insider who has been blogging about technology since 2011. Along the way, he's interviewed founders of innovative startups, and executives from fortune 500 companies, and he's tried dozens or hundreds of gadgets. Michael has also contributed to works featured in Newsday, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the associated press. Michael also occasionally consults, and writes for Seeking Alpha and Yahoo News.

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