Monthly Archive: September 2012

iphone 5 Finger Print Unlock Rumor

I just wanted to write about a rumor I’ve been hearing lately. Somehow a rumor about the iphone 5 being unlockable by finger print has spread. I’m here telling you that the rumor is false. But that doesn’t mean you can’t necessarily. If you dream of using the creases in your pointer finger to unlock your device, there is an option (or several). You can...

iOS 6 is…boooring!

I’d like to say that iOS 6 is revolutionary, but unless you have an iphone 4S, new ipad or ipod touch, or iphone 5, it’s not. For the iphone 4, it seems to have lost more than it gained.  Some nice new features include the updated stores, and Do Not Disturb which handily controls your calls, sound and privacy. Speaking of privacy, there is now...

Earpods: Video

Hey guys. Just wanted to quickly highlight this excellent video by the guys at Logic Lounge on the Apple Earpods until I can finish my review. Posts provided by The App Store Chronicle- All Rights reserved

Preparing To Move – Part 1

Hi everybody, Since the start last November we’ve been using Google’s awesome Blogger service, but at this point we need more customization than they offer, so now we’re beginning to prepare to move to a self- hosted Wordpress. This is a complicated process because of the platform differences, but we’ve worked it out to a few phases which will be complete by early October. What...

An App that (actually) Knows The Weather

Do you frequently go outdoors? Is the weather in your area extremely unpredictable? If the answer is yes, I have an app for you. The app is called Dark Sky, and it’s literally been 98% accurate. Dark sky is fantastic. It provides highly accurate forecasts and interactive radar for just about anywhere in the US (I haven’t tried the rest of the world). It...