Tagged: Technology

Tech News Roundup: War on Twitter, a Texas-sized phone, Birthdays, and a New Writer

Hi all, We write a lot of content, so I’ve decided to start this weekly roundup to showcase our best writings and news of the week. Welcome to our new writer Previn, a long time Android user and expert on all things Google. War on Twitter–This week we saw war between the Israelis and Hamas, and how public warfare had become as both sides...

BI Reports iPhone 5S to Arrive in Spring

It’s being reported by various reasonably reliable sources that there will be both a new iPhone and iPad in the Spring. That would mean only about an eight month production of the current models if Apple released it at their Worldwide Developer Conference in June. Unfortunately it seems to just be pageview journalism. They report that limited production is already starting in test runs...

Microsoft: “We’re Back” with Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Surface

We’ve done a lot of polling lately, and one of the things we asked you was “What do you think of Windows 8?” The split was pretty even for whether people liked it now, but 29% of you said that you believed Windows 8 is a step in the right direction. That’s just one step though; Microsoft has worked hard recently to reimagine their...

10 Tech Tips for Surviving an Airport Delay

Flights are never on time. I had a 4 leg trip earlier this year where 3/4 legs were delayed by over an hour with perfect weather. Today I write this while waiting out a 2+ hour delay. So how do you survive it? Be prepared. Here are my tips.   Bring headphones. I bring my noise canceling Bose QC 15s and they save my life. I...

Don’t you hate having an Older iPhone?

I hate how old and slow my iPhone 4 is. It sickens me to wait as it loads… No, I am not serious about what I just said, but there is a serious issue we must address in this piece. People around the globe have no food, no clean water, no shelter. Kids go to bed hungry, wake up, work, and go to bed...