
Tagged: Steve

Should Crazy Be In Our Vocabulary?

You may have noticed my unusual absence. I did too. I got caught up in other projects, and couldn’t get back into things. Well, here I am, back to write every day, and I couldn’t have come back at a better time. Tomorrow we see the latest iPads, Macbook Pros, and (maybe) even an iWatch! We also get a peak at Nokia’s newest Windows...

Apple Co-founder “Steve [Jobs] Didn’t Have To Be So Much of a Bastard (video)

Usually Apple’s co-founder Steve Wozniak has only good things to say about Steve Jobs, but in this in video he  leaks some of his true feelings and tensions on the deceased Apple cofounder. Towards the end, when asked about the departure of Apple’s Scott Forestall, he says “I don’t believe Steve had to be as much of a rugged bastard, putting people down and...

Great Job Walter Isaacson! Steve Jobs Biography is Terrific

I’ve been reading Walter Isaacson’s autobiographical work of Steve Jobs today after finally getting it, and I can attest that so far it is an incredible read, and invaluable to anyone curious about the story behind Jobs’s success. The book goes into incredible detail on the life of Steve, and how it influenced Apple, Pixar, and the companies we know and love. So far,...