Category: Uncategorized

Leaked info: 3rd ipad to be 4G and be Significantly Redesigned

What will the next ipad look like? According to my sources it is not yet finished but it will feature 4G speeds and a full redesign. The new ipad will reportedly be called the ipad 4G and will feature an enhanced touch screen. Unfortunately We know this isn’t happening The product once again has not been finalized. The developers and engineers are still hard...

Google Music Finally Launches Successfully

I have been a Google Music Beta user for maybe six months and it finally launched to the world this week. Google Music is a lot of fun. It works on iphone directly from the web app and stores my entire library for free. It kicks itunes match’s ass. Today they have a music store which I will never use because I prefer buying...

Keep my Original or get the new Nano? Help Me Decide

I have ordered my packaging to send back my old 1st gen nano for the latest nano. I really would like the watch features and I still have my iphone too so why does it matter? I could keep my original with its original games and os and keep collecting it or trade up. I need you the readers to tell me what to...

Great Job Walter Isaacson! Steve Jobs Biography is Terrific

I’ve been reading Walter Isaacson’s autobiographical work of Steve Jobs today after finally getting it, and I can attest that so far it is an incredible read, and invaluable to anyone curious about the story behind Jobs’s success. The book goes into incredible detail on the life of Steve, and how it influenced Apple, Pixar, and the companies we know and love. So far,...