Category: Uncategorized

How To Kill Your Boss

Let’s face it. Your boss sucks. He does nothing and he’s always on your back. Sometimes you just want to take a grenade/landmine/ AK-47 to them. Well now you can… Virtually and legally with “Kick the Boss” which is free for ios. “Kick the Boss” is basically a bossy version of pocketgod, where you kill your boss to earn points which can be put...

App Recommendation: Air Tycoon 2

Hey all. Just wanted to make you aware of a fantastic new game I found for ios called Air Tycoon 2. This is a great game for anyone, but especially frequent flyers and mileage junkies. Have an idea for how airlines should be run? In this game YOU run your own airline and prove your concept in a competition against other airlines. The game...

Why Selling to Facebook is a risky move by Instagram

When I heard about the sale of Instagram to Facebook a few days ago, i was overjoyed. I was wondering how Facebook would change the dynamic for Instagram. Eventually this purchase may kill the community that Instagram has built now in my theory. Much of Instagram’s current traffic and growth comes from Twitter. They have done well by maintaining close relations to the company...

How To Handle HP Customer Service

So you’re having a problem with an HP product? Too bad for you, if you bought it 365 days or more ago. Too bad, if your product is broken in a way not covered by their warranty. Too bad? That’s what I was told when I first called HP customer support. Let me tell you the secrets to success. And boy did I call...

App Review: Where Pictures come alive

Pictures are a great art form, but sometimes they just seem a little dead and flat. Watching videos on the other hand often takes too much data, power, and time. If only there was something in between. There is. It is called a Cinemagram and it is a cross between a video and a photo. It is basically a photo, with a small portion...